Post Award
Grant Management (45 C.F.R. 75)
If you are the recipient of a federal grant of any kind, there is a great deal of information that your organization will need in order to be successful stewards of federal funds. With BDA’s library you will have all the tools you need to successfully address scope of services changes and meet the provision deadlines set before you.
BDA Post Award Grant Management
Users will enjoy access by responding to one of BDA’s many informative, automatic reminder notifications in their calendar or by opening a scheduled report with active links and purposeful data. They can also simply log in and experience BDA’s powerful “Search” and “Find” functionality that helps them get to the exact file, document or attachment they’re looking for easily and accurately.
Provisions and Obligations Risk Management & Assessments
Configurable Dashboards
MSA’s and Subordinate Scopes of Services
Notice of Award and Service Agreement Import & Export
Grant Lifecycle History
Renewal Management
Standard, Custom, Saved and Shared Reports
Attachment Management
Important Dates Management
Grantor/Grantee Relationship Management